

I'm so late for the biology class. I'm always late on Mondays. It's just too hard for me to get up at the right time, because I'm still on weekend's influence, haha.
I hope I don't get in trouble for ditching.
Anyways, today it's so cloudy here in Riga, I'm sure everyone's gonna be really bitchy on me. However, I feel pretty good, just didn't get enough sleep, but otherwise everything's fine, and I hope that you guys feel amazing!
I'll finish my tea and will put on my coat, don't wanna miss English class, because that's one of my favourites.
Oh, question of the day (probably noone's going to answer this, but I'm still hoping that my followers' window will grow and y'all will start reading this blog, haha):
What's your favourite class? Why?

xoxo, Louise


  1. latviski vai angliski atbildēt ? :D

  2. vienalga. tev k vienīgajam lasītājam īpašas privilēgijas :D

  3. in ya faces, bitches. i'm so cool :p haha
    nu, mana mīļākā ir franču valoda, viena no retajām stundām kurās nav garlaicīgi, un arī tāpēc, ka forša skolotāja, var pajokoties, parunāties, nevis kā citas uzliek kaut kādu poker face :D

  4. tā bilde ir tiešām yeaaah, Tu jau zini, ka man patīk, kad ir smuki zila krāsa un tā :P

  5. Man tas vārds, kas jāraksta, lai var ielikt komentāru, un visi zin, ka Tu neesi bots, bij "pagremo", haha :D

  6. wahaha, Ren labs :D
